why Impact Investing?

Building stronger

communities with

attainable homes.

The future of investing lies in investments that generate positive outcomes while delivering attractive returns.

Our impact areas

End poverty

Assist in reducing housing expenses for individuals.

Promote good
health and well-being

Affordable housing options can alleviate stress and improve overall health.

Ensure access to
affordable & clean

Access to cost-effective housing and clean energy.


Investing in housing to promote more equitable communities.

End poverty

Assist in reducing housing expenses for individuals.

Promote good
health and well-being

Affordable housing options can alleviate stress and improve  overall health.

Ensure access to
affordable & clean

Access to cost-effective housing and clean energy


Investing in housing to promote more equitable communities.

End poverty

Assist in reducing housing expenses for individuals.

Promote good
health and well-being

Affordable housing options can alleviate stress and improve  overall health.

Ensure access to
affordable & clean

Access to cost-effective housing and clean energy


Investing in housing to promote more equitable communities.

End poverty

Assist in reducing housing expenses for individuals.

Promote good health and well-being

Affordable housing options can alleviate stress and improve  overall health.

Ensure access to affordable & clean energy

Access to cost-effective housing and clean energy


Investing in housing to promote more equitable communities.

Creating a high-impact investment portfolio for sustainable market returns.

Our goal is to create a portfolio that not only generates positive returns but also fosters positive change.

By developing a high-impact investment portfolio, our platform joins a movement where investors actively contribute to building a more sustainable and equitable future through their financial decisions.

“The housing affordability crisis is a challenge we can overcome. It calls for policymakers, investors, and civic leaders to unite and think innovatively. By fostering the right partnerships, we can guarantee everyone a place to call home."
Lena Mytko
Growth, Bluelofts INC
“By ensuring each individual has a safe, affordable place to live, society paves the way for more robust social bonds, increased civic engagement, and a collective spirit of growth. Affordable housing initiatives are the seeds of revitalization that can transform neighborhoods from the ground up, invigorating local economies and unlocking potential in the face of adversity.”
Josh Johnson
Development Manager, Bluelofts INC
How we measure impact?

Our Impact framework

We adopt a balanced scorecard model comprising financial, customer, internal, and learning and growth dimensions. Each dimension includes specific indicators and targets aligning with the initiative's goals, objectives, stakeholder needs, and expectations.

Objective: Enhance access to secure, high-quality, and affordable housing.

Metrics include:

Invested in target

Capital invested in
construction & ongoing

Percentage of affordable
rents for the target

Wellbeing surveys for residents.

New houses built by
type (ownership,
affordable rent, social rent,
specialist housing).

Reduction percentage in
underutilized space.

Increased public
green space.

Space leased to
independent retailers
& jobs created.

Local employment/
materials used during

Survey among residents who participated in our financial literacy classes.

Invested in target

Capital invested in
construction & ongoing

Percentage of affordable
rents for the target

Wellbeing surveys for residents.

New houses built by
type (ownership,
affordable rent, social rent,
specialist housing).

Reduction percentage in
underutilized space.

Increased public
green space.

Space leased to
independent retailers
& jobs created.

Local employment/
materials used during

Survey among residents who participated in our financial literacy classes.

Invested in target

Capital invested in
construction & ongoing

Percentage of affordable
rents for the target

Wellbeing surveys for residents.

New houses built by
type (ownership,
affordable rent, social rent,
specialist housing).

Reduction percentage in
underutilized space.

Increased public
green space.

Space leased to
independent retailers
& jobs created.

Local employment/
materials used during

Survey among residents who participated in our financial literacy classes.

Future of Investing

Join the future

of investing